"Titanium Wings" for ITS

The official ceremony of handing "Titanium Wings" statuettes completed the first day of the trade show -Warsaw Industry Week 2016, which was held on 7-9 November in the International Exhibition and Congress Centre - WARSAW EXPO.

Among the honored institutions was Motor Transport Institute. The statue was received from the hands of the organizers by Assoc. prof. Marcin Ślęzak, PhD, Eng. the Institute’s Director.

As part of the Warsaw Industry Week more than 500 companies and institutions from the world of science and industry presented their offer. Motor Transport Institute also participated in the fair, and its staff presented research and deployment activities in the field of road transport as well as impressive portfolio of ITS publications.

Warsaw Trade Industry Week is the largest, in this part of Europe, event designed for the industry. Fair participants can take part in numerous workshops, meetings and seminars. During the fair, there are presented latest developments of machinery and equipment, among the others, for the production and processing of plastics and rubber, metal industry and welding.


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